3 inch diameter tape cores and label cores

When it comes to spiral paper tubes, the most common inside diameter is 3 inches. But why?

When you order egg bites from Starbucks, the barista peels a sticker off of a roll of stickers, and adheres it to the outside of the paper bag you’re handed. When you’re walking around a convention and get handed a free promotional sticker by one of the vendors, they peel the sticker off of a roll of stickers. When you’re clicking around on eBay and order a cool, rare poster, the seller carefully rolls that poster up and slides it into a poster tube with a 3″ diameter.

Tape manufacturers and label manufacturers most often wrap their products around a spiral paper tube with a 3″ diameter.

Further down the supply chain, these 3″ diameter paper tubes and paper cores also fit a wide variety of tooling and machinery.

For additional product details, visit our product page.

Los Angeles Tape Cores and Label Cores


We’re offering a variety of tape and label cores online!

After receiving requests from customers who needed cores faster, we launched our store in October 2013 to do just that. A year and a half later, we’re offering ninety different length options. All cores available through our online store have a 3 inch inside diameter and a .125 inch wall thickness — the most common inside diameter and wall thickness for tape and label cores.

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