See our Edge Protectors in action!


We toured a major retailer on a recent visit to Washington state. We spotted our Edge Protectors in action and wanted to show you a few different ways they’re used.

The Edge Protectors in these photos have white paper on the outside (top) and kraft paper on the inside (less visible side).

If you look closely, you can see that some pieces seem to have multiple layers – this is an indication of a thicker piece.

In some photos, the Edge Protectors are being used to protect the product and primary packaging. In others, they’re being used to increase column strength.

Can you tell the difference?

clamato_spiral_paper_tube  every_day_napkins_edge_protectors_spiral_paper_tube lifesavers_edge_protectors_spiral_paper_tube protein_bar_edge_protectors_spiral_paper_tube pub_mix_edge_protectors_spiral_paper_tube san_francicoso_bay_edge_protectors_spiral_paper_tube ziploc_edge_protectors_spiral_paper_tube


Have a question about Edge Protectors? We’d love to hear from you! Contact us anytime.

Fulfillment Services for Shipping Tubes and Paper Canisters

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Over the last few decades, there has been an overwhelming decline in customer service from restaurants and malls, to car dealers, to banks and investment companies, and most every other business in between. Many people will have their own opinion on why customer service has declined, but the constant in any conversation is the fact that the decline exists.

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