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We absolutely love 5th grade Math. Here’s why.

Do you remember the first time you learned about Pi and 3.14159….

Although I spent a lot of time learning things I never use in my adult day-to-day life, 5th grade math and Pi (3.14) are certainly not one of them.

My math teacher was strict and if we did not memorize our math formulas, we were in trouble. At an early age, I knew the formulas for area, circumference, volume. To find the circumference of something round, you multiply Pi (3.14) time the diameter.

If the outside diameter of a poster tube is 3″, then you’d multiply 3″ times 3.14 to get the circumference.

3″ (diameter) x 3.14 (Pi) = 9.42″ (circumference)

Every day I show up for work, I’m grateful I paid attention the day we learned about Pi.

Ever Notice Concrete Form Tubes?

Paper Tubes create Light DeAnna Kane


I was shopping with a friend of mine one day and in the parking lot and I noticed that every 15 to 20 feet there were big light posts to illuminate the area. At the base of these light posts were huge, round, concrete formations that the lights were set into. Not many people would stop to think about the concrete formations, and simply walk by. Yet, something intriguing about the style caught my attention as I realized the concrete had a spiral swirl moving up from the bottom to the top and realized the concrete was laid into formation with a spiral paper tube. The pattern was repeated on all the light posts throughout the parking lot. Read more…