Two Ways to Order Paper Cores


Today we want to show you the two different ways to order tape cores and label cores.

1) Emailing Purchase Orders

2) Online Ordering



We have been making spiral paper cores in Los Angeles since 1949, which obviously pre-dates the internet. Many of our long-term customers continue to purchase their paper cores by emailing a Purchase Order to Read more…

Los Angeles Fulfillment Services – Spiral Paper Tube & Core

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Spiral Paper Tube & Core helps customers by offering ways to decrease logistic costs and increase efficiency.

When a customer orders Poster Tubes, Mailing Tubes, Fiber Cans, or Telescope Tubes, they also have the option of utilizing our in-house fulfillment services. For example, if a customer is selling posters on,, etc., a large quantity of posters need to be rolled, inserted into a poster tube, and shipped throughout the world.

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Los Angeles Packaging Supplies and Shipping Supplies


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Virtual shopping has exploded the retail marketing business over the last two decades. In 1994 very few people had internet access compared to roughly 84% of households with internet access today. Smartphones have increased online sales between 2010 and 2014 from 24% to 58%. Today, over three-quarters of adults have made some sort of online purchase whereas only half had done so in 2008. Consumers have discovered that with online convenience they can pay bills, research places to eat or visit, and shop.

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