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More paper tubes are blown up on the 4th of July than on any other day of the year

Okay, well, I’m not exactly positive that more paper tubes are blown up on the 4th of July than any other day of the year, but I’m pretty confident that it at least sounds true.

Think about it. With the exception of those who simply enjoy attending a public fireworks display, nearly everybody else buys fireworks to light on the 4th of July.

Some buy them their local fireworks stands, and others procure them through other means. But that’s all we’ll say about that.

Have you ever noticed that nearly every firework is a paper tube?

If you took any pictures from your 4th of July celebration, tag us on Instagram. We’d love to see!

Summer vacation is just around the corner. Have you been saving your toilet paper tubes?

When it comes to keeping kids busy during summer vacation, moms, dads, grandparents, and teachers all agree on this one thing: collecting toilet paper tubes for crafts.

Crafts are a fun way kids can get their hands dirty and create something unique and fun during summer vacation, but nobody wants to break the bank buying expensive supplies. That’s where the toilet paper tube comes in.

It’s literally something everybody has.

Toilet paper tubes are at home, at relatives’ houses, at school, church, theme parks, and even restrooms at parks. Any where there are people, there are toilet paper tubes.

So, before the kids get out for the summer, we recommend spreading the word and start collecting those toilet paper tubes before it’s too late.

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Being invisible is considered a superpower. Paper tubes and cores are invisible to most. But is that good?

Men and women who work in packaging “see” packaging, but to most consumers, packaging is invisible.

When I go to Costco, I see v-board. Lots of v-board. Nearly every pallet of product above the ground level has a piece of v-board on the corner, with plastic stretch wrap holding it together. But most shoppers just grab the chips and head to the next aisle.

If paper tubes and edge protectors had personality, they’d be confident. Confident in who they were. They’d have to be, since they’d mostly go ignored.

Think about it. Who drives past a construction site and looks for the large diameter paper tubes with rebar inside? When you’re in the produce section of the grocery store, and you unravel a plastic bag to put your peaches in, do you look inside the plastic to see the paper tube? Probably not.

But we do!

We notice the paper cores inside fabric and carpet. We see the poster tubes the mailman is carrying. We see the heavy duty shipping tubes driving around Los Angeles on the back of flatbed trucks.

The next time you go shopping, count how many paper tubes or paper corner protectors you notice. We think you’ll be surprised.

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We absolutely love 5th grade Math. Here’s why.

Do you remember the first time you learned about Pi and 3.14159….

Although I spent a lot of time learning things I never use in my adult day-to-day life, 5th grade math and Pi (3.14) are certainly not one of them.

My math teacher was strict and if we did not memorize our math formulas, we were in trouble. At an early age, I knew the formulas for area, circumference, volume. To find the circumference of something round, you multiply Pi (3.14) time the diameter.

If the outside diameter of a poster tube is 3″, then you’d multiply 3″ times 3.14 to get the circumference.

3″ (diameter) x 3.14 (Pi) = 9.42″ (circumference)

Every day I show up for work, I’m grateful I paid attention the day we learned about Pi.


Made in the USA

We have been manufacturing spiral paper tubes here in Los Angeles since 1949. Over the decades, we’ve watched many businesses move their operations off-shore and overseas, but we are committed to staying in Los Angeles and servicing our domestic customers with the best products possible.

About 20 years ago, we started also manufacturing v-board, corner guards, edge protectors after we learned just how many domestic companies were in needed of domestic products. We use high quality, recycled paper to manufacture our paper tubes and v-board.

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Happy New Year! 2024!

We’re looking forward to another prosperous year, and we hope you are as well.

This year we’re excited to announce that we’ll be celebrating our 75th year in business. George Hibard Sr. founded Spiral Paper Tube & Core after he served as a US Marine Corps in World War II.

Each year, we strive to build upon our previous successes and make improvements where needed. Our goal is to continue to provide a high quality product, made here in Los Angeles, to help solve our customer’s challenges and problems.

If there’s anything we can do to support you and your business, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are here to serve.


From Our Warehouse to Yours, Merry Christmas

2023 has been a beautiful year, full of ups, downs, and the occasional unexpected sideways twist. But through it all, we’re grateful.

We value family and spending time with the ones we love the most, so we’re closing our doors during the week of Christmas.

We’ll be closing on Friday, December 22, 2023 at 1:30 PM.

We’ll re-open on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 8:00 AM.

If you’re in need of anything before then, please let us know as soon as possible. We’re happy to get your last order in before we close for Christmas.

From our warehouse to yours, Merry Christmas!

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There is so much to be grateful for

Life is hard. Managing a family is hard. Running a business is hard. Bad things happen to the ones we love and often times there’s nothing we can do to make it better.

For many of us, we spend as much time around our co-workers as we do our own family.

At Spiral Paper Tube, we’re grateful for it all. Sure, we make paper tubes, but the paper tubes give us the reason to connect with each other. We work together to make a product for somebody else. We work together to provide a solution to somebody’s problem. Some days are better than other, but in the end, we’re in it together.

We’re grateful for the opportunity to not just make a product, but to have a shared reason to connect with so many people.

From our warehouse to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.

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Paper Tubes Aren’t Just For Toilet Paper

It’s that time of year again, and we know that you crafter mom types have been on Pinterest day and night brewing up ideas for your kids costumes.

The toilet paper roll is the paper tube most often used for crafts, but did you know Concrete Form Tubes are a close second?

Concrete Form Tubes are structurally the same as a toilet paper tube – round and made out of paper and glue – but Concrete Form Tubes have a bigger diameter and are much thicker. They’re the perfect size to fit a small kid inside of for the perfect Halloween costume.

The easiest way to get your hands on a Concrete Form Tube is at Home Depot or Lowes. If you’re the crafty type and plan on using a giant paper tube for your kids’ costumes this year, send us your pictures.

Happy Halloween everybody!

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Edge Protectors, Corner Protectors, Corner Guards, or V-Board?

After decades of manufacturing spiral paper tubes and paper cores, we dove into manufacturing v-board. The raw materials are the same, and it just made sense for us to add it to our product line.

Around the office, we call it “v-board” but on our website, we call it “edge protectors”. We all know what we’re talking about, but why do we have two different names for the same product?

Well, it turns out, we’re not alone. From manufacturer to manufacturer, “v-board” might be called “corner protectors”. The exact same product that we might call “v-board” might not be called “v-board” by somebody else.

We’ve learned to work around the challenge of have a product have multiple names, but for the newbie, it couldn’t be more confusing. When somebody googles “corner guards”, looking for the product we make, they might find themselves on a website offering products that will help help new parents “baby proof” their house.

If you’re looking for v-board, corner protectors, corner guards, or edge protectors, just keep at it. You’ll eventually find a supplier of the product you’re actually looking for.

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