What are “seaming tins” and why do so many want them?


Seaming tins are circular, punch-pressed metal end closures, used on the tops and bottoms of Fiber Cans and Telescope Tubes.

The process of permanently applying a tin part to a paper tube is defined as “seaming.” Seaming tins are .007″ thick, or the thickness of 2-3 sheets of standard, white printer paper. The majority of seaming tins are plain and used because they are weight-bearing. Pringles potato chip canisters are a classic example.



While most are plain, some canisters have more specific uses and require the seaming tin to have holes or slots. Donation canisters have a coin slot in the top to allow people to drop coins into the canisters. As the canister gets filled, it becomes heavier, and so a plain seaming tin is often used on the bottom.

Using a coin-slotted seaming tin on the top helps ensure the donations will be kept safe while the plain seaming tin on the bottom keep the coins from falling out. Read more…

Paper Canisters, Fiber Cans, 3 Piece Telescope Tubes – Style 1

Fiber cans & Telescope Tubes - Style 1

Primary and secondary packaging are not usually a company’s first thought when launching a new product or re-branding an existing one.

More often than not, businesses focus entirely on their product alone, forgetting about packaging and shipping until the time comes to package and ship. Little thought, if any, is often dedicated to the design of a retail canister. The paper packaging and shipping industry is where design, strategy, and innovation are the keys to successfully marketing a product, business, or person.

The goal: meet the needs of each customer by manufacturing a beautiful paper canister that protects, promotes, and does not break the bank. Read more…