How to ship posters?


Let’s assume you’re just starting your poster company and that you are the one who will be purchasing the supplies, packing everything, and shipping the posters yourself. And keep in mind that “poster tubes” is just another name for “mailing tubes”, “shipping tubes”, “cardboard tubes”, and “paper tubes.” Referring to a “paper tube” as a “poster tube” is just a more specific way of referring to it.

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4 Steps to Make a Paper Tube


Have you ever seen the television show How It’s Made? If you find yourself wondering how things are put together, assembled, or used, you may find it interesting. The format is simple – take a few cameras into a manufacturing facility and capture each step of the process. By showing viewers the manufacturing process, questions are answered before they need to be asked.

The same is true with spiral paper tubes. The more our customers understand about how spiral paper tubes are made, the better service we can provide. Read more…

Real reviews from real customers

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We’re a growing company. We have come a long way from the 1949 days of creating Invoices with a pencil and paper and “snail mailing” them out to clients.

We like technology here at Spiral Paper Tube and try to incorporate what makes the most sense for our paper tube manufacturing business.

Thanks to the Internet, customers needing our products are able to find us simply by using a search engine…gone are the days of the big, heavy yellow pages. Because of this, we are continually meeting new people and are able to work with new customers. In ongoing conversations with newer clients, when asked what we can do to improve our service, the feedback is consistent:


Give us reviews to read so we can see what your other customers are saying. We found you online, so we don’t know you, but if we were able to read some reviews, we would be more inclined to trust you with our business.

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Mailing Tubes – Poster Tubes – Shipping Tubes


Besides the famous toilet paper roll, mailing tubes, poster tubes, and shipping tubes are a close second.

For everybody needing to “think outside the box”, these round solutions can be seen passing through every UPS, FedEx, and USPS, terminal throughout the world every single day. Structurally superior to triangular, corrugated “shipping tubes”, spiral paper tubes, maintain their integrity from Point A to Point B, keeping the product(s) inside safe and secure.

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Los Angeles Fulfillment Services – Spiral Paper Tube & Core

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Spiral Paper Tube & Core helps customers by offering ways to decrease logistic costs and increase efficiency.

When a customer orders Poster Tubes, Mailing Tubes, Fiber Cans, or Telescope Tubes, they also have the option of utilizing our in-house fulfillment services. For example, if a customer is selling posters on,, etc., a large quantity of posters need to be rolled, inserted into a poster tube, and shipped throughout the world.

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Los Angeles Packaging Supplies and Shipping Supplies


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Virtual shopping has exploded the retail marketing business over the last two decades. In 1994 very few people had internet access compared to roughly 84% of households with internet access today. Smartphones have increased online sales between 2010 and 2014 from 24% to 58%. Today, over three-quarters of adults have made some sort of online purchase whereas only half had done so in 2008. Consumers have discovered that with online convenience they can pay bills, research places to eat or visit, and shop.

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Ordering Shipping and Packaging Supplies

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The information highway is responsible for a vast majority of communications and sales throughout the world. In the United States, online sales are estimated to account for roughly 60% of all retail sales and will equate to approximately $370 billion. These figures do not include web-influenced sales such as research, browsing, and mapping retail products and stores.

This figure also does not include retail sales of items not purchases or rarely purchased on line such as gasoline or restaurant meals. Retail manufacturers will be more successful in online shopping with products that do not have a need to be touched or seen first hand.

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Heavy Duty Shipping Tubes, Shipping Tubes, Cardboard Tubes



I am always in awe when I go to the movies and sit in front of that huge screen where a story comes to life.  I am able to cast aside my worries and life hardships to enjoy time just watching the action in front of me without caring what is going on in the outside world.  The flawless continuity of the screen helps us forget that what we see before us is not reality, but a visual phenomenon.

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Mailing Tubes, Poster Tubes, Cardboard Tubes



I recently received an important document in the mail. This document represented many hours totaling over two years of my life. I had poured my heart and soul into those hours, and in the end I received nothing more than a piece of thick paper wrapped in a mailing package with my name on the label. Yet, that paper meant everything to me. It was the symbol that represented a great challenge that I overcame and achieved. That paper was my degree from graduate school where I received my Master of Science in Education with a 4.0 GPA.

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Fulfillment Services for Cardboard Tubes and Poster Tubes

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Shoppers and consumers alike, when asked what is the primary goal of your purchase, will undoubtedly answer the same thing: They want to get the most return on their investment. The difference in the investment is what separates the packs. Some people just want to get the most products they can for the cheapest price, others may want better quality products regardless of the cost. Manufacturers want to get the most money for their products, and expedite the return on their investment by getting their products to market as fast as possible.

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